Once again - it's been a while since I've posted. It's been rather busy lately, with lectures and reading and tests and coursework and all sorts. And also upcoming assignments =[ bad times.
The weather's changing... it's officially really, really cold. It's been cold for a while, but recently it's been chilly-cold, if you get what I mean. The wind just pierces through the skin~~ that's actually a really scary thought.
I've also been missing my guitar and piano lately: I shall blame Alice Nine for that. Actually, I've been listening to a lot of music lately. I've been watching stuff too, but a little less. It's because I can do work and listen to music at the same time; but I can't do work and watch drama at the same time, mainly because I need to read subtitles. So yeah, I've been listening to Alice Nine, Jay Chou, etc.
Oh oh, about a year or so ago, I was finding Alice Nine guitar tabs, then I came across their bandscores on YesAsia. Initially I thought they were scores for the whole album and I was like O_O WOW *mustbuymustbuy*... then I concluded that must be too awesome to be true and I saw a bandscore for a single song somewhere, so I thought it was only one song. But it's not actually true. You actually get scores for a whole album of songs.
So mwuahahaha, so aim is to save up at buy the Vandalize bandscore, and look at the Mirror Ball one and use that to figure out the awesome piano arrangement version. There a 'Vandalize version' of Mirror Ball in the album and it's really awesome. It's just the piano and Shou's voice *^^* They also did this version live and it's so amazing. I remember when I used to walk home listening to that song on the iPod... good old 'getting the bus from St Albans to Hemel and then having to walk 15 minutes home in the cold and dark' times!
IX. Mirror Ball [Vandalise Edition]
I found this awesome site called Japan-discoveries: http://www.japan-discoveries.com/index.php?main_page=product_music_info&cPath=3_18&products_id=904
They're so cool, they're basically another shopping website but they even sell guitars... incredibly expensive but it's nice just to have a look ^^
They even sell awesome picks! They only sell the Saga pick though... as much as I love Saga and as sexy as he is... they should sell more Alice Nine ones... a Hiroto one will be much loved too. Oh oh, they even sell L'arc~en~ciel picks.
In between writing this post... I've been 'browsing' the website... so cool! I may have to buy the Saga pick... or two... I feel like I need a spare in case I lose the first one... shipping isn't too bad either =]
I think I'm going to explode from excitement: http://japan-discoveries.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2_13_23
As you may have gathered, buying unnecessary stuff is a hobby of mine... having more than two picks is essentially unnecessary because you only need one to play the guitar... but all the picks look so awesome ^^
I think I'm going to close that tab before it distracts me any more *was actually making notes*
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