Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Sam The Samurai

The other day, I was bored out of my mind in the lecture (and sleepy - I don't think the cold & flu tablets were non-drowsy) so I started to draw. I wanted to copy Naa-chan and draw a comic too. I love Naa's ninja-chan! So I wanted to do something similar and draw a samurai-san! (plus I watched a film about samurai's last week).

Unfortunately I wasn't blessed with an artistic talent and I don't have the time to finish a whole storyboard (though it would have been cool - and I have actually half planned one). Reminds me, I should actually get working on the Purple Peace comic too...

I apologise for the bad quality - I don't have a scanner at the moment, so I had to take a photo on my webcam

I had fun cleaning him on photoshop

A darker looking Sam - I got a little carried away on photoshop ^^

P.s. I named him Sam just so there's an alliteration: Samurai Sam-san


  1. OMO Samurai Sam-san is so cute!!!
    Ninja-san and samurai sam-san should be in a joint comic!! ^^
    Btw you have amazing drawing talent....! It's so kawaiii~
    And who drew the faces of the chibi's on our dbsk t shirts??!?! Ahem. I rest my case.

  2. Naa!!! Chigaimasuuu~~ your opinion is subjective!!! (Gosh, I miss that word xD)
    You're super super amazing at drawing, and the chibi heads were nothing, you did most of the work, I just sat and watched!
    You're awesome <-- end of story.

    And samurai sam-san is totally bishie <3 hehehehe >:3
