Friday, 20 May 2011

Long Time No Blog + Anime Challenge Week 3

I haven't updated for a while... it seems I can't even blog once a week anymore. Once exams are over, my less-dull life should be back. Just two weeks to go. Gosh, that sounds awfully scary... the fact exams are over in two weeks and I've hardly revised for the other topics.

Day Week Challenge 3 - Your anime crush

Oh dear, there are so many... any awesome, charming, bishie character I will like =P I'm no weirdo though, I know they're not real.

Here's just a small selection from my never-ending favourite character list ^^

Byakuya <3 


Ah there are lots more awesome characters but I should get back to revision now... I'll make a better list next time xD And hopefully post more interesting stuff =] 

Have a lovely day and weekend!!! =D 

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