Saturday, 21 May 2011


I came across a website called Graze where they basically sell healthy snacks and deliver them to you on a regular basis. It's actually pretty cool and quite a new and interesting idea. I'm not sure I actually like the idea too much but it's definitely something different =]

You can try a free box (they're really keen on pulling new people) so they sent me a voucher code where if you introduce new people they get a free box and I get £1 off. They're pretty good at this business. Their packaging is awesome and nature-looking. It's exactly the type of stuff I personally like (I look those 'nature finish' folders and stuff, it's way better than the colourful ones ^^) Oh yeah, in case you're interested, please enter this voucher code: RD7VXTC3 at 

My graze box that awesomely fits through the post box =] 

Top left going clockwise:
Honey cashew nuts;
'Swallows and amazon': brazils, cheries, mango and raisins
'Banana split':banana, cashews and Belgian milk chocolate puffed rice
Wasapeas: wababi peas 

They are pretty small boxes, but I guess that's the whole point of it being a snack box =]