Sunday, 13 March 2011


After a whole day of listening to ballads, I should rephrase that, after listening to the same few ballads, I can't help but fall into one of my emotional moods. Then when I had dinner, about an hour ago, I decided to watch One Piece (I have to watch something whilst I'm eating... I find it really weird to just concentrate on eating...) I thought I'd have at least four episodes of One Piece to watch, but during the time which feels like a long time, it had only been just over two weeks. I say that I don't like watching OP anymore because I've read the manga, but that's not true... it's actually so much more epic with background music... *sigh* Shanks... he's just too awesome! OP is really too epic for my heart! I can't believe I've watched nearly 500 episodes of OP... well I'm on 490. Episode 490 didn't air because of the earthquake in Japan. I was so shocked when I read about it on Friday. I've been meaning to blog about it but I don't know what to write except that I wish for their well being. It makes me so sad when natural disasters happen, I'm sure it makes everyone sad. When I watch video clips and images, I just want to go out their and physically help. But it's difficult when you live on the other side of the world... so all we can do is contribute to organisations who have the ability to help. 

I found out about the incident in Japan after my appointment on Friday morning. I came home and was just doing the usual stuff, checking emails, Facebook, checking uni stuff etc, until I needed to search something and went onto Google. Then there was this little news bit on the bottom of Google and that's when I read about it. The first thing I did was go onto the Guardian to confirm the news. I read about it and was just shocked; it was so sudden. The first thing that came across my mind was Saar and Noriyuki (my Japanese penpal). Saar is a lovely girl (I say 'girl', she's a few years older than me). I met her during the WYC in Turkey. We were stomach ache buddies - both of us couldn't take the food and basically were constantly ill =[ After reading on the Guardian and watching the devastating videos, the next thing I did was check where abouts was affected... and thank God, Saar was in Kyoto which is quite a bit away from the worst affected areas. Still, I posted on her wall on FB and when I came back from uni on Friday evening I saw a post with the first words being 'I am safe'. 

The main reason I'm writing this post is because of Saar. I've just read a post she blogged on her tumblr a while ago I remember a few months back, when Saar was deciding whether to go travelling and where to, etc. I really admire her for having the courage to travel round on her own (I still don't go to the doctor's on my own), especially in such an unfamiliar environment - the other side of the world. After following her blog and reading her posts, I'm really glad she has found her 'place' in a way, and most importantly, she's enjoying it. 

(I don't know who else besides Miranda, Naa and Megan reads this... but sometimes I do get a few weird statistics on this blog). But if you (anyone who's reading this) have a few spare moments, please visit's Saar's tumblr

This makes me think about what I want to do. A while ago, I've been thinking is uni really the thing for me? Am I enjoying uni? Yes and somewhat. I've been pondering whether university is really the right thing for me for a few months now, and after I got my results last Wednesday, I thought to myself: yes, uni is the right thing for me. Firstly, I didn't get super amazing marks, but I did considerably alright and at the end of the day, I'm a studying-person. I enjoy learning: I enjoy learning about economics. I wish I could say the same for management, but I am starting to like it a bit more this term (besides the coursework T_T). And most importantly, if I wasn't in uni, I can't think of something better. Work? No thanks, when I graduate I've got years and years of that to come. Travelling? Of course I'd love to, but let's be realistic, I don't have the savings to travel and what comes after travelling? So, I've deciding, I shall work really hard in uni, stop spending so much on crap (easier said than done... I made this resolution a few days ago and all I've done since then is spend money), and save up for things I truly enjoy. After last weekend in London, and seeing the wildlife photography photos, I've realised that I really do like photography. I guess it was my part time work that sparked my interest, but I feel really happy when I take photos. So here I am with an additional goal: to save up to buy an awesome camera and travel. I know I keep saying this, but this time, I am really going to save up for what I truly have passion for: camera, travelling, a new piano. 

I miss my piano so much... I keep saying that I'll buy a crappy keyboard just to practice on whilst I'm in Sheffield but I can't bring myself to do it. When I'm looking at keyboards, I always just look at the pianos too and they're just too difficult to resist. 

So, they're my goals for this year (or the next few years). For me, it's important to have plans and goals to know the direction you're going in. I'd love to be one of those people who can just go with the flow... but unfortunately (or sometimes fortunately) I need plans to keep me going forward =] 

I did try to look for a part time job. I've sent out a few CVs and lousy covering letters but no response so far. I won't give up though, I'll keep trying hard. This year, I was planning to go to Estonia, then maybe go to the nearby countries too, like Norway, Denmark, etc. But I've decided, this summer, I'm just going to get a job and work and take steps towards my goal of doing things I truly like =] 

These video's don't really fit in with the mood but I've been listening to these all day. 

This song is by a female artist called Wax. The title is translated roughly into "I want to love". I came across this song when I was listening to this song called "My Love My Fate" and I found out that Wax was the original. So here it is: 

This is the song I was originally listening to: "My Love My Fate" by Janice. She's a Chinese singer but she sings in both Chineses and English. I was actually searching for chords for one of her English versions of a song, then I ended up stumbling on YT and listening to her stuff there. Then ended up listening to this live version of "My Love My Fate" and hence ended up listening to Wax. It might sound a little weird because it's cantonese, but I think Janice is an awesome singer... and I do quite like how she changed this concert version (from her usual version) ^^ 

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