Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Baking Failure: Egg Tarts

I made egg tarts today... I've been having random cravings for them sometimes. In case you don't know what egg tarts are, they're similar to the Portuguese tarts you get in Nando's but less sweet and I think the pastry is a little different. Anyway, egg tarts are awesome (if they're made well). 

Yesterday during my trip to Tesco I bought this rolled-out puff pastry... as I said to my mum yesterday when she read out the title 'Easy egg tart recipe'... I told her "There are no shortcuts in baking"... and this is actually one of the wisest things I've said. When we used to make egg tarts, we would buy the puff pastry from Sainsburys. Quick note: the pastry for egg tarts is super difficult to make from scratch because when the pastry cooks, it turns into all these awesome layers - I'm not too sure of the science behind it - but it's just awesome and too difficult for me to make. Anyway, we used to buy this block of puff pastry and you'd have to roll it out yourself. And since I don't have a rolling pin, I thought I'd try out the already rolled-out one... 
There are no shortcuts in baking

Edit: I actually wrote out several paragraphs but I doubt anyone wants to read about my analysis of why it went wrong, and what was the problem with the pastry, and the recipe and the baking tray.

So now I have twelve egg tarts... I've eaten two already T_T and really, one is satisfactory, and two is 'I'm full'. I don't know how to finish the other ten T_T I would share them to my flatmates and friends but they look too bad to even offer ='[ 

P.s. OMG I just realised that I don't have a 'baking' tag

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