Monday, 6 December 2010

Fill my mind with knowledge - whether it stays in there is another story

You'd be pleased to know I'm being a very good girl. I've been doing my management essay (wooo!!) <-- I think I was being so sarcastic to the point that I can't actually tell whether that was a sarcastic comment anymore...

Nonetheless, in simply words: words are not my forte. I'm running out of words. I keep using the word 'consider'. Consider this, consider that. (Words like 'however' and 'therefore' are words you'd find at least once in every paragraph in my essays T_T)

So I decided to go on (crap website really, but nevertheless, it was my source of words during GCSE and AS English). I thesaurused (yes, I'm aware that's not a word) the word 'consider'. Of course, nothing useful came up. If there was another good word out there that could replace the word 'consider' I would have used it already.

Then something caught my eye... on the right hand side, they had this little box which said: "Today's word picks on". They had four words: qiviut, couture, truculent and selcouth. Mind, when I typed 'selcouth', a little red squiggly line appeared beneath it o_O

I clicked on each word, read the definition and chose my favourite. So today, I'm going to share the word: truculent.


[truhk-yuh-luhnt, troo-kyuh-] Show IPA
1. fierce; cruel; savagely brutal.
2. brutally harsh; vitriolic; scathing: his truculent criticism of her work.
3. aggressively hostile, belligerent.
1530–40; < L truculentus, equiv. to truc-, s. of trux savage,pitiless + -ulentus -ulent

truc·u·lence, truc·u·len·cy, noun
truc·u·lent·ly, adverb

1. See fierce.

1. amiable, gentle.

I'm not sure whether this word will come in handy... but it seems like an interesting word to know. E.g. why are you being so truculent to that piece of paper? o_o not sure whether it actually fits in a context like that...

Since blogger red squiggly lined selcouth, I'm deciding to share that word too ^^


[sel-kooth] Show IPA
–adjective Archaic .
strange; uncommon
bef. 900; ME selcouth, OE seldcūth, equiv. to seld ( an ) seldom + cūth couth2

selcouthly, adverb


  1. Haha, this is all very selcouth, I must say.. ;D
    How come the other two aren't blogging :'(
    You're actually the best of all of us!! Well done!
    And well done for getting your stuff done :3
    hehe, I'm really proud of you :')

  2. I know!!! I'm always checking whether you guys have updated!! So please, blog more!!! ^^

    Haha thank you ^^; I'm not exactly 'intentionally blogging'... I'm trying to run away from coursework xP
