I haven't posted for a while... Around six o' clock this evening I was planning to write a post. Then, let's say laziness prevails. Then as I was just about to start relaxing and lie in bed whilst listening to music, I received a text from The Happy Kiwi saying *looks for the actual message*: "Mwuahahaha!! Two updates in one night :3" That sort of woke up my conscience in a way, so here I am, writing a blog post at quarter to one in the morning. (I actually wonder how long it will take me to write this post... let's start timing >_<)
This post may not be very interesting... I don't have many photos to 'jazz' it up. I did take some photos a while ago, it was a photo of the scary tagliatelle (I can never spell that word... I actually had to confirm the spelling on google, but I was right this time - for some reason, the spell check on blogger is deciding to not register it as a word). Did I ever tell the story about tagliatelle? If not, I'll try my best to tell the short version: basically the first actual thing I cooked (cooked defined as needed to use a hob and not just microwave regardless of where the sauce, etc actually came from *cough*jar*cough*) was tagliatelle. My friend was round so I cooked half a packet... she had a plate basically... and I basically had a whole pan left that lasted me about four days.
Next part, I obviously have the other half a packet left. So I cooked half of the remaining half... and that lasted me for two days T_T I ate quite a bit on the first day. Then the next day I ate it for lunch (which was the photo I took) and then had to eat the rest for dinner. Anyway, the underlying story is, the photo of the tagliatelle doesn't physically look appealing enough to post - though the taste wasn't bad =]
I feel like I haven't posted enough so I may just give a short account of each day:
Monday: I can't even remember what happened on Monday. Oh... I had three lectures (boring, boring and boring). That day, for dinner, I had bread and soup =] On my way back I decided that I was going to have a can of mushroom soup. Sometimes I cook pasta and use the creamy soup as a sauce but I decided that I need to take a break from all of this tagliatelle and pasta business, hence I went to Tesco on my way home and bought a baguette. (I also bought pizza & garlic bread <3)>
Tuesday: trying to jog my memory that far back is incredibly difficult.
(Post post comment: at this point, blogger wrecked my Tuesday description... it basically got rid of the whole paragraph... I'll fill this bit in again later)
Wednesday: I heart days off. (post post comment 2: blogger cut a bit chuck of my Wednesday out... I'm a bit tired right now so I'll write about this bit maybe tomorrow... you're not missing much though, it's pretty much a rant about hangers)
Then... the parcel... I should have two parcels because I got a split shipment as I wanted things to come asap - bad idea. Deliveries nowadays are amazing, you can completely track your parcel... so I did. City-link said they tried to deliver my parcel to me at 11:18 but no one answered - not true. During that time, I was still at home, and no one ever even pressed the buzzer. So I rang them... (after being on hold for a million years), I spoke to one of the staff and explained the situation and she contacted the driver (whilst I was on hold) and then she said it was an error, the driver had not delivered it yet and he'll probably be here within an hour. This phone call was made at approximately 3pm. So I waited... and waited... and waited... at about 4pm, I was thinking that there's probably traffic or something. Half past four came (time for Jap social) and still no sign. Then at five I decided it was about time I stopped waiting for this parcel that clearly wasn't going to turn up. So I went to The Common Room. I spoke to some people from last week, and I spoke to some other new people. There's this guy (who was also there last week) looks like Jo Kwon from 2AM! But a shy version... it was weird, but he was shyly adorable. Seeing a shy Jo Kwon just doesn't work in my head xP But that was cool. Then I went to my friend's place for dinner (again) and I ate a lot and that's that.
Thursday: which is today, well not really since it's past midnight. I had a tutorial today, which meant I did the work late at night last night and didn't sleep till quite late (procrastination somehow is integrated into me) and I had a ten o' clock lecture. I wasn't actually sure whether I had it because on one of the time tables it says we have an ECN119 lecture on Thursday 10am. But on the module outline, it doesn't say we have any at that time. Nonetheless, I decided I should be a good student and attend - bad decision. So I struggled to wake up (it was my first early lecture - everything else so far starts at 12 onwards) and dragged myself to the lecture. When I got there, I didn't recognise the people (I thought I must be in the wrong place), so I tried to leave, and as I was leaving I recognised this guy from the first week who does straight economics, uncertainty + seeing someone you know = you must be in the right place. Not true. The alternative answer is: everyone is in the wrong place. There must be about at least 60 of us or so who turned up, but after a while, people started leaving and we were all discussing whether we actually have this lecture or not. Turns out we didn't. That was a great way to start the morning.
Still Thursday, I got home and started to read and make notes on this book. Then I went to this other lecture - it was okay. The lecturer is really funny though - he is actually crazy. Then I had a two hour gap so I went home and read some more. Then I had this tutorial which was boring and pretty much pointless (unfortunately attendance is recorded in tutorials). Then I had a seminar - fairly interesting. I liked it =] There was one point which was the advantages of backwardness! I really like this because I've actually tried to bring this up in the UNICEF J8 competition things Purple Peace had entered... I bought this point up two years in a row but no one seemed to really appreciated it during the discussions. But today when I heard about it, it made me proud. It wasn't just some crappy point I thought of, and it actually has a name: advantages of backwardness. I think this stuff was studied by this German dude called Khrushchev. (Omg.... the name Khrushchev isn't underlined with a red squiggle. It's actually acknowledged as a word? That's weird)
I'm rather sad and offended. My name isn't acknowledged =[

I'm now completely side tracked by the red squiggle under my name and can't remember what I was talking about. Nonetheless, the remainder of the day wasn't too interesting and I'm a little tired now. I'll try posting tomorrow.
P.s. The original title of this post was called 'To Post Or Not To Post'... but I think it needs changing to empathise the squiggly line under my name.
P.p.s. It now reads 01:30 on my clock. I've spent 45 minutes ranting... my apologies. I hope it doesn't take you that long to read =]
Haha this actually made my day :D
ReplyDeleteI miss you and everyone~
ReplyDeleteSounds like university is good!
Post more when you have time!
(i say that, but i haven't posted in a while)
Wth is taligatte?
Muhah, Vivienne is not a word!
ReplyDeletepasta~ :)