Saturday, 2 January 2010

It's Been Long...

It's been a long time since I last posted. I wouldn't have posted if I wasn't reminded xD

Right now, I'm writing my WYC application... I've kind of procrastinated it a bit (slight understatement)

I feel like I should do a mini summary for the months I haven't posted.
Okay, I haven't posted since August. That's a long way back. I'll start from September.
Well, what can I say. September is where it all begins: hard work. So many exams, and so many things to remember. I don't really understand how examiners expect us to shove so much information in our brains, but here goes... 10 months of hard work. No pain no gain =]
Though I say that, I haven't been revising as much as I should. I've been revising a lot of chemistry, but that hasn't really paid off. Tomorrow, I'll do some maths =] I feel like I haven't done that subject for years. This is what Christmas holidays do to you - it makes you not work. Well, I shouldn't blame the break, it's my own fault.

Recently, I've been practicing quite a bit of the piano too. But I seem to have this thing of losing piano scores. As I get better a piece (and haven't quite managed to memorise it), I tend to lose it... and can't remember it either... therefore I lose the touch of that piece. I've lost the scores to "Fairytale" by Michael Wong (Guang Liang, is that how you spell his name?). I've learnt about two thirds of it, I just need to learn the bit of the last key change. I'm also learning Stay by Big Bang... I love their Japanese songs, well I love their Korean songs too. But I fell in love with the piano intro of Stay. I've learnt up to the chorus, then I lost the score too. I have the first two pages, but it doesn't help since I've learnt and memorised those two pages xP But the song just repeats anyway, but I need to learn the last few bars of the chorus. 

Hmm... what else am I learning? I've pretty much finished Rainy Night. I feel ashamed that I haven't finished Forever Love yet. But I have this strange problem with learning Forever Love and Fairytale at the same time. They both start on a D... (which isn't something unusual), but for some reason, when I practice too much of the one piece, and I try and play the other piece, my hands get confused.

I've also been trying to figure out songs by ear. I pretty much suck at music so I always try and improve my playing-by-ear skills. I've figured about a bit of Wedding Dress by ear, though I suck at figuring out the left hand, but I shall work hard on it =] I think I can hear the chords, but I just can't get the timing with the right hand right.

There really isn't anything else I can say. But I have improved on the guitar a tiny bit.
Oh, if anyone knows the chords/tabs to Gou Ai (it was one of the soundtracks to The X-Family and K.O.3 an gou) please drop me a message. I've fallen in love with the guitar in this song. But I'm not awesome enough to be able to work the whole thing out, especially the guitar solo where the guitar goes all crazy. There's this dude on YouTube... HarryTsai03... I think that's he's username, but he does an awesome cover of this song!  

I don't really know what else to write about... but later on, I'll upload some snow photos =] It's been snowing a lot lately. Anyway, I've got to bounce now. I'll upload another time ^^