Monday 31 January 2011


As usual, I got super bored from revision... no new news here. I've always wanted to try and draw One Piece characters (if you haven't read the manga or watched the anime... I strongly recommend it, it's a bit long bit you'll catch up eventually). I started watching the anime since last October (I think), I only started to watch it when I got to uni. Then I was up to date by December-ish... and have been since. Being utd (up to date) at the most epic bit is the most agonising thing. Especially when you accidentally read a spoiler on Wiki... so before the epic arc, I knew what happens at the very, very end. I still cried like there was no tomorrow though ='[

With some anime, you have to go though about 10 to 20 episodes until it gets good (like Bleach... it doesn't get super exciting until quite a while) but OP, you only have to bare through the first five-ish episodes or so and it gets good =] Now I'm utd on the anime... I decided to pick up from the manga... that was even worse than catching up on the anime. Because the manga is only about 20 to 30 chapters/episodes ahead of the anime... now I'm utd on the manga... and watching the anime becomes meaningless because I know what happens... the life of anime and manga... *sigh*

Besides my super ranting about One Piece (which you must read/watch)... I tried to draw Luffy in the process of procrastination. At first I wasn't going to post him, because as I went onto blogger, I saw all of Miranda's drawings and they're just too amazing! I hope Miranda's web comic goes well because I really want to read it =]

I drew Luffy on paint. I realised that drawing on paint is the most difficult thing, it's worse than photoshop. But it's actually way fun =] The best tool is the squiggly line tool, it's so annoying but it's cool at the same time. I messed up Luffy's hair. The top strand in the middle: it was too big, then I tried to fix it and messed up. And I messed up the bits on the left too. By the time I realised, it was too late for backspace. Paint needs more undo buttons. Also... I started with Luffy's eyes, did the nose, then the mouth, then hair (outlined the ears), then hat, then ears. But after I did the hair... I realised his mouth was too wide or his eyes were too close but too late for that. Then by the time I got to the hat and ears, I obviously got lazy =[
Next time, I'll work harder, and draw his body too =]

Monkey D. Luffy

Random revision: the Easterlin paradox: increases in per capita income (GDP per capita) do not increase happiness. The hedonic treadmill: high incomes just produce greater apirations/desires. 

Friday 28 January 2011

Dropping the coursework baggage

YAY! I finished my coursework. It's not very good and the more I think about it, the more I didn't answer the question but it's too late for that... (translation: I'm too lazy to change it). I printed it off and handed it in this morning. And when I handed it in the woman at the enquiry office apologised that the computer was being slow, because the first one tends to be slow. (I have to print of a coversheet, each person has a unique bar code and she scans the barcode). Anyway, I was happy because I was the first one to hand in my coursework =D (mind, it's due Monday... and the management school isn't open on weekends, so it's either today or Monday... and it doesn't feel right, handing in coursework on the last day). 

Recently (two days ago, to be exact), I've been listening to Jay Chou's new concert album. It's sooo good! I strongly recommend it ^^ I love listening to concert albums because even though you're not there and you're not even watching it, just listening to the audio you can feel the music =) Track 5 is I'm Not Worthy (ζˆ‘δΈι…), it's so good in the album and he changes a bit in the middle... hehe *fangirl moment* 
Even his faster songs, which I occasionally skip when they come up on my iPod, when I was listening to this album, I was going to skip Sunshine Boy (or something on the lines of that, I need to work on my Chinese), because it's slightly too happy for a ballad lover xD but it sounds so good that I didn't even skip it =] 

And last week, or the week before, I found a piano score to Saturday Night  I love that song like no tomorrow ^^  and I printed it out today =] even though I don't have a piano in Sheffield, but I'll try and follow the piano score and work out the guitar as well =] hehehehehhe 

Have a lovely day ♥ 

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Happy Birthday JaeJoong ♥

Happy birthday to him ♥

(This is a bit of a lousy post right now, I'll come back and add pictures once I've done my coursework =.=")

Yay, coursework finished - sort of. It's really bad, I should really do another three drafts or so but there's only so much management coursework I can take. Anyway, back to JaeJoong's birthday ^^ 

Happy birthday to him, 
Happy birthday to him, 
Happy birthday to JaeJoong ~ 
Happy birthday to him 

Happy Birthday JaeJoong

I haven't baked for a while -   haven't really had the time. So it was fun to bake again ^^ 
The photo looks really bad, but I promise that the cake in real life looks better than this. I had to take the photo with the laptop webcam because I forgot to take the camera the last time I went home =[ 

Back to revising Chinese economic development
Random fact: before China's One Child Policy, during 1969-1979 there was the Two Child Policy
(it's a pain trying to memorise all these dates)